
  • Independent Russian Media

    USRF supports independent Russian media with the capability to reach the Russian public and focuses on enabling them to grow despite challenges presented by Russia’s war in Ukraine, which has led to international isolation and domestic repression with implications for the economic opportunities for journalism.

  • Advancing the Rule of Law Inside and Outside Russia

    USRF supports Russian organizations within and outside Russia to defend freedoms of expression and information, property rights, and Russia’s international legal obligations. USRF support enables educational exchanges with renowned institutions in Europe and the United States, and professional development and networking programs for practicing Russian attorneys.

  • Support for Civil Society

    USRF supports civil society initiatives of pro-democracy, anti-war groups of Russians inside the country and abroad. This includes the work of non-government organizations, initiatives by Russian anti-war groups, and community building efforts in new Russian diasporas.

  • Expertise on Russia in the United States

    USRF supports programs to provide U.S. students and young professionals with the skills and knowledge they need to become the next generation of Russian experts. Such support includes language and area studies programs, travel grants for language and cultural immersion (in Russian-speaking communities outside Russia), internships, as well as professional development and research opportunities for U.S. scholars.

  • Scholars at Risk

    USRF has been actively involved in supporting Russian scholars at risk (SAR) in response to the increased danger that scholars, journalists, and artists with anti-war positions are facing in Russia since February 24, 2022. The Foundation has led a consortium of partner institutions in the U.S. to advance the conversation around scholars at risk. Currently, USRF supports 16 institutions with scholars at risk components – supporting more than 300 scholars.